Did you know about free tailored pension advice during divorce?

We thoughts this information might be useful for some of our clients:
The Pension Advisory Service (TPAS) is an independent body set up to provide access to free, impartial information and guidance on all pension matters, covering workplace, personal and stakeholder schemes and also the State Pension. It answers general questions, helps with specific queries and offers guidance for people with complaints about their private pension scheme.
Recently a dedicated pensions and divorce guidance service has been added, providing tailored appointments for those going through a divorce. The pre-booked appointments offer unique, independent guidance with a dedicated technical specialist, completely free of charge.
Each appointment covers:
the pension options available to individuals during a divorce;
what they need to think about and the questions they’ll need to ask;
the next steps and provides signposting to helpful organisations; and
tips on how to access regulated financial advice if needed.
The Pension Advisory Service can be contacted on 0300 123 1047 (Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00) or a divorce and pensions appointment can be booked via e-mail to Virtual.appointments@PensionsAdvisoryService.org.uk.